Thursday, February 28, 2008

Help! Help! A Fire Call a...Woman?

Throughout history, men were always perceived as the dominant sex. However, many feminists have fought against the social structures that have allowed men to be dominant over women. In today’s society, we are aware of the progress that women have made especially in the “working world.” Years ago, traditionally, women would stay home and take care of the children, cook dinner and clean. Now women have climbed so far up in their careers that we currently see Hillary Clinton running in the 2008 election for president of the United States. However, one field that people have trouble accepting women in is the Fire Department. Should women be able to accompany men in fighting fires? In the past this would not even be a debatable topic nor would women even be considered for this position. The issue has now become very real for women and people have their strong opinions on the subject.

For most, the idea of women and the Fire Department together is not a good mix. An obvious reason is that women are usually smaller and more petite then men. Not saying that women cannot be strong, but it is easier for someone with a bigger body structure to carry out another person from a burning building. For example, if a woman gets up to the 11th floor of a burning building and finds a 6 ft. and 350 lbs person in the middle of the room, they may not be able to save that person if they cannot lift them up and carry them out. With women in the Fire Department, sexual harassment issues arise more often. Also this is an easy way for a woman to get a “name.” The media is cruel and has no shame in saying that women who work in the fire department, around a group of men, must be having relations with at least one of them. Finally, with men used to being the overriding sex it is sometimes hard for them to take orders from women, the same way women may sometimes find it hard to take orders from men. With both sexes clashing it makes it hard to get the job that needs to be done accomplished.

Debating the issue, people defend women quite strongly when it comes to them becoming a member of the fire department. “Knowledge is power.” If a woman possesses unimaginable amounts of knowledge about the career she can definitely contribute in some way, shape or form. Although she may not have as much strength as the men do they are always there to give her a hand, the same way they help each other every now and then. For some men it is comfortable knowing that society today will accept women in all fields. They enjoy the idea of being able to interact and communicate with women at work.

Stepping back and looking at both opinions on the issue I strongly feel that a person’s sex should not even be considered when looking for this job. There are tests you have to take, both physical and mental, to join the Fire Department. If a woman is able to complete the task successfully why would she not be capable for the job? While there may be men who are stronger then women, it is no excuse to not hire a woman. Today there is no superior sex and opportunities are more or less equal. The bottom-line is that if a person is good at what they do, and can successfully and accurately fulfill their career why does their sex even matter?

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Is London taking a turn for the better or the worse?

Lighting up a Parliament, Marlboro, etc., watching the tip of the cigarette turn red as tobacco is inhaled and exhaling a mouthful of smoke is like heaven to some. To others, who do not smoke, it is a disgusting habit they are forced to be around when going out to a bar, pub, club and so on. This has become a major issue in London. Smoking in bars and pubs is now a thing of the past for Englanders. It is banned in all pubs and clubs, both private and public, to light up a cigarette while enjoying a drink at the bar. It may take a lot of getting used to but the real question is how do people feel about this proposed law?

Despite the fact that many people are irritated about the banning of cigarettes in pubs, it could have a positive effect. Many smokers who are trying to quit have their biggest downfall when they go out to pubs and clubs. Being around others who smoke only makes a smoker want to reach into his/her pocket and light up one of their own cigarettes. With cigarettes being banned from these places the temptation is by far lessened. This may be the difference between continuing to smoke and being able to quit; the difference between saving a life and killing it. Another positive effect of outlawing cigarettes in pubs and clubs is it rids secondhand smoke. Statistics show that secondhand smoke causes approximately 3,400 lung cancer deaths and 46,000 heart disease deaths in adult nonsmokers in the United States each year. While cigarettes are still permitted in other bars and clubs around the world, it is a start to reducing these numbers by prohibiting them form the bars and pubs in England.

On the other side of the spectrum, are those who feel this is absolutely absurd. After a long stressful week of work, and other daily routines, people look forward to enjoying a night out, being able smoke and drink freely. With this law in affect it makes it hard for some people to have a good time without getting frustrated. This law can also affect the prosperity of businesses, especially those who heavily rely on smokers for their income.

After reviewing both sides, I believe this is an excellent law. As a nonsmoker, I know how frustrated I get when I go out at night and have to breathe in other peoples’ smoke. I made the wise decision not to smoke to avoid lung cancer and other such diseases; it is not fair to be in a room with a cloud full of smoke and nothing else to do but breathe it in. I also feel this will help those who are looking to stop smoking quit once and for all. When temptation is eliminated it makes it a lot easier; banning cigarettes from pubs and clubs is an excellent start. Also, I think the amount of nonsmokers that will now come to these pubs and clubs will make up for the business lost by those smokers too frustrated by the law. Only time can tell if other countries will accept this policy and reinforce it throughout the world!

Is indoor tanning all it’s cracked up to be?

The whole idea of waiting for the summer to lay in the backyard by the pool, sip a nice cold glass of lemonade and take the sun is too long for some. With most wanting a “Hollywood tan” all year round, tanning is the best option. Why not? It’s fast, easy, reasonably priced and achieves desired results. With its positives and negatives I think it is safe to say that the negative results easily outweigh all of the positives.

Starting with the benefits of tanning, it does not take more than approximately fifteen minutes to come out of a tanning bed with color to your face and a darker skin tone. Tanning is something that most people can conveniently fit into their schedule. Tanning salons are usually open late into the night, making them even more accessible. Also, the process is not tedious at all. You step into the room, put on some lotion and either lay in a bed or stand in a bunch of UV lights. Another appealing characteristic is the considerably reasonable price. With specials packages and deals all year round there is always a crowd of customers looking to buy a membership. Lastly, depending on the color tan you are striving for, indoor tanning can most likely get you to that desired skin color.

Shifting over to the negative side of tanning the consequences are pretty dangerous. Indoor tanning can lead to skin cancer, causing a frightening “spike” in the rates. While skin cancer used to be found mainly in older people it is becoming more and more common in adolescents. Just like smoking tanning may also have a similar “addictiveness” to it. Once people start going tanning they want to keep up with their tan and not let it fade away. Therefore, they continue to go weekly damaging their skin more and more. Another negative affect is it becomes a fake image. People become overly obsessed with maintaining a tan that they forget about their own self image and move into a world of fake tans and impressing others. Tanning also has a negative effect for tanning salons. Lawsuits are becoming more and more frequent causing salons to pay large sums of money.

Although it is hard for teenagers to overlook Jessica Simpson’s beautifully bronzed skin and Paris Hilton’s rich color, they have to be aware of the dangers that come along with it. It has been said by doctors that each time a skin color changes, whether it’s a tanner shade or a reddened face, there is UV damage. Even though it is easier said than done, I feel teenagers should be satisfied the way they are and do not need to damage their skin to fit in with the movie stars, singers, and others around them who abuse the tanning privilege. I believe we should be ourselves and have the patience to wait for summer to enjoy the natural sunlight to a safe extent.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

“Roses are red, violets are blue; some believe in love at first sight, do you?”

Love at first sight is an emotional condition in which someone feels a romantic attraction to a stranger the first time they encounter each other. This notion can be recognized by the other person or they may have no idea of the other’s presence. For example, if it is a crowded place one may immediately fall in love with another at the sight of appearance however, that other person has no idea the other is even in the room. Two people may experience this phenomenon at the same time by simply just making eye contact. This occurrence is mostly seen in movies and on television but the real question is “Can this truly happen in real life?”

Those who are optimistic believe that you could definitely fall in love with someone at first sight. To some, the moment you set your eyes on someone you immediately know if he/she is the one for you. While it is a quick connection, a fast glance at someone can leave you breathless with butterflies in your stomach. Another valid point in defending love at first sight is if everyone has a soul mate, then why should that soul mate not be recognized the moment you lay eyes on them. How can it not be love at first sight when your stomach begins to turn, your palms start to get sweaty, and your brain goes completely out of whack because you are so nervous?

In response to these convincing arguments, how can you really love someone without knowing their inner person? Is love based on looks alone with little regard to a person’s personality? While one may be overly attractive on the outside, their personality may not be as attractive on the inside. You cannot truly understand someone and what they are all about without speaking a word to them. Following the idea of love at first sight is like saying that physical attraction is primary and getting to know a person after that is secondary.

I do not believe in love at first sight. I think people become attracted to one another based on their looks but cannot truly be in love on a first encounter. It takes more than a conversation to know how well you get along with one another. The state of love is deep and profound. It is a feeling you begin to develop over time based on the chemistry of two people, the extent of enjoyment they bring one another, and the feelings they continue to develop for one another. While I do believe in attraction at first sight I do not believe two people can genuinely fall in love with one another at first encounter.

Should students get paid to do well on tests?

Rewards may consist of sums of money, valuable objects and other types of items, in return for accomplishment, service, hard work, etc. Rewards are given when people find something that is lost, perhaps a dearly loved pet. They are given when people find a criminal or murderer or when someone does an appreciated act for someone else. However, should money be given to students who do well on their exams throughout the school year? People have different opinions on the answer to this question and make valid points for their taken side.

Defending this newly aroused idea, paying students who do well on their exams provides a sense of motivation. It becomes an incentive for students to want to score high on their exams, causing them to study more than usual. It also makes boring subjects suddenly seem interesting. By giving out money, it serves as a reward for those students who diligently work all year round. This gives them the satisfaction to know that their hard work is paying off. Also, by paying students who do well, they become aware of the principle of managing money. To start saving earned money at such a young age could only benefit these children for the future. Lastly, the number of enrolled students in schools will most likely increase. Plenty of students drop out of school to work more hours and earn more money. Paying students to do well on tests “kills two birds with one stone.” The students are productively learning and, at the same time, making a few extra dollars for personal use.

On the contrary are those who do not agree with the idea of paying students to do well on tests. Some feel that school is a privilege. Although in this day and age school is almost a necessity, it is a way to improve the future of students; eventually, having to provide for themselves and their family. Students should not have to be motivated to do well. They should want to succeed and should not need money as an incentive. Also, school is a kind of “sacrifice” to be successful in life. With the idea of being successful in mind, students should want to do well and learn. By getting paid school is then considered a job, taking some of the concentration off of learning. After all, plenty of people do not enjoy going to work everyday so why make school a “workplace” for students to be miserable? Once you are getting paid for engaging in some sort of work it isn’t necessarily fun and interesting anymore. One final point as to why paying students may not be such a great idea is because some students are exceptionally well test takers. Is it really fair for students who do not do well all year round to get paid for scoring high because they are good at taking tests?

Personally, I do not believe that students should get paid for doing well on tests. I believe students should have a love for learning and should be able to realize the “rewards” later on in life from the career they decide to pursue. By paying students it turns “doing well” into a job rather than an aspiration to succeed. Students need to realize the greater opportunities they are providing for themselves by going to school and willingly learning what is being taught to them. To me, this sounds almost like a bribe to do well and I do not feel it is appropriate. Those who want to be successful in life will work hard and strive to do all they could do, money or no money.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

“To Join or Not to Join?” That Is the Question.

Sororities. Immediately people choose a side- either completely for or completely against them. By definition, a sorority is a social organization of women students at a college or university, usually designated by Greek letters; however, it is so much more than that.

As a newly educated member of Greek life, I could not be happier with my decision to join a sorority. Being involved for only a few short months, I have already acquired a number of friendships, memories, experiences and plenty more. The bonds between “sisters” that formulate and grow over the years are absolutely remarkable. To know that you always have a shoulder to lean on or someone to run to in times of trouble makes it easier to let out your emotions. The group effort of raising money for charity, donating clothes, food and other items and visiting nursing homes, etc. gives you a warm feeling inside. Nights out with the girls gives you a chance to escape the hectic and stressful life of school, work and other activities pursued throughout the day. While many people automatically connect sororities to parties all the time and wild nights, there truly is more to being involved. It is apparent that when a daughter comes home to tell her parents she wants to be in a sorority the typical reaction is either “Why?” or “Absolutely not.” People will still have their strong opinions about the whole idea of a sorority but keep in mind there is a lot more than the image that is given off in movies or on T.V.

Two Sides to Every Story

Life is based around controversy; constant decisions causing one to take a side, choose between two or more things, or state an opinion on a topic. A controversy is a disagreement between sides holding differing views. Some solutions are easier then others. They can quickly be decided based on common knowledge. For example, you walk into the store to buy a magazine but you forget your money in the car. Do you go back to the car to get your money or do you steal the magazine? Common sense says to go get your money out of the car and buy the magazine. But other controversies are not so simple. A girl goes to the doctor after being raped only to find out that she is pregnant. She cannot afford to keep the baby and does not want to be reminded of the terrible incident that occurred. Does she have the baby anyway or go through with an abortion?

Life sometimes throws us curveballs that we have to be ready to hit. Many times we will find ourselves wondering about controversial issues and generating either an opinion or decision based on that issue. Is our opinion right? Will most people agree with the decision we have made? That in itself is a controversy. Controversies will always be encountered; we just have to be smart about our decisions and stand firm to what we believe.