Sunday, March 9, 2008

On Your Mark, Get Set, No?!

A couple of years ago there was a heated controversy over whether or not a NASCAR track should be built on Staten Island. It would be placed on an old oil field that has been left unused for ages. The International Speedway Corporation is the company arranging to build the NASCAR track. Many Staten Islanders see this idea as being too farfetched. The thought alone of having a racetrack on Staten Island is absurd. There will be many obstacles faced in building this track because of the political uproar it has created. Many Staten Islanders oppose the track but there are several who are completely for it. Each side has their own opinions for thinking the way they do.

Stating the views of those who are against the racetrack is the point that it will cause much more congestion on the island. As if traffic isn’t bad enough a racetrack would flood the streets with much more cars. It is imagined that NASCAR fans would gather onto the island and create havoc. Not only is traffic a major issue but the noise that the racetrack would bring has to be taken into consideration as well. Due to the fact that Staten Island is quite small, the noise of the track could be heard from all parts of the island. This would especially bother those who live near the presumed location of the track. With traffic and noise becoming a part of the Staten Island “lifestyle,” people may be pushed away from the island or for that matter want to move off of the island. This is not a good turn for the populated island.

Others are overjoyed with the thought of a NASCAR track being built on Staten Island. Many people are fans of this sport and the thought of having a racetrack in their “backyard” is unimaginable; to some it is a dream come true. Having a racetrack on Staten Island provides for new and exciting weekend fun. It gives a new twist to the island and provides young adults with the opportunity to do something proactive with their free time. With a huge inflow of visitors of the track a great profit will be made, contributing to the economy of the island.

Like every other controversy, there are two differing sides on this decision. Both hold valid view points and stand firm to their decision. While a racetrack would be a new attraction for Staten Islanders, I think it would cause much more confusion to the island. It remains to be seen if the NASCAR track will become a reality for Staten Islanders. The International Speedway Corporation has revealed that they will continue with the fight to build this track. Only time will determine the fate of this NASCAR track and will continue the fight until the ISC decides to give up.

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